All we know that a transformer works as a heart of an electrical system.As a critical and an expensive component of the power systems,transformers play an important role in power delivery and the integrity of the power system network as a whole.Each transformer have a specified limits of operation beyond which the loss of transformer life can occur.If subjected to adverse conditions there can be a heavy damage to the system and system equipment,besides intolerable  interruption of service to the customers.Since the lead time for repair and replacement of transformers is usually very long, therefore limiting the damage to faulted transformers is the foremost objective of transformer protection.
Due to transformer failure direct and indirect impacts is there ,which are as below:
Direct Impect-The direct economic impact of repairing or replacing the transformer in terms of money.

Indirect Imapct-After transformer failure supply to the customer got interrupted due to which production loss will occur which will affect the economy of nation.
Transformer Failure:
There are various Environmental Conditions due to which transformer operation got affected and loss of transformer life will occur,further a risk of transformer failure is two-dimensional:the frequency of failure and the severity of failure.Most often transformer failures are a result of “insulation failure”.This category includes inadequate or detective installation,, insulation deterioration and short circuits ,as opposed to exterior surges such as lighting and line faults.